Capire supported DELWP to develop their environmental policy framework by finding out what environmental justice means for Victorians.


Environmental Justice


Environmental justice is about ensuring that all Victorians, now and in the future, have equitable access to environmental benefits, and do not experience an unfair share of environmental burdens.

In 2018, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) decided to engage with community and stakeholders about what environmental justice means for Victorians. This was the first time a government in Australia has engaged people about how to incorporate environmental justice into policy frameworks.

Capire supported DELWP to frame the conversation in a way all Victorians could understand and reach those in the community who would most likely be experiencing environmental injustices. To address the challenge of engaging people on a topic they may not have heard about before, Capire designed activities around possible case studies helping to connect the concept with real life scenarios.

A diverse range of Victorians took part in the discussion including local councils, young people, regional communities, people with a disability and Traditional Owners. Their insights have informed DELWP in their ongoing process to improve environmental justice outcomes in Victoria.

  • Client
    Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
  • Year Completed
  • Location