Capire delivered an engagement program to seek feedback on Brimbank City Council’s draft kerbside 4-bin model.


Brimbank Kerbside Waste Reform


In 2020, the Victorian Government announced the Recycling Victoria: A New Economy policy, which mandates a 4-bin kerbside service separated by stream, amongst other changes. These changes are to be rolled out across every Victorian municipality.

To reduce the amount of waste going into landfill, the new system will introduce separate bins for:

  • Garbage (landfill)
  • Recycling (comingled)
  • Glass recycling
  • Food organics and garden organics (FOGO).

In response, Brimbank City Council have developed a draft 4-bin model for presentation to the community. Capire worked with Council to seek community feedback before moving forward with the preferred mode, which was presented to the Brimbank community for consideration and feedback

  • Client
    Brimbank City Council
  • Year Completed
  • Location

Capire designed a survey approach that built upon lessons learned in the waste-space to generate clear and meaningful data; we held flexible and informative focus groups and workshops; and we designed a creative pop-up which was successful in engaging community members in an incidental way. We also delivered a communication strategy with multiple opportunities to engage. Overall, we enriched Council’s knowledge of its community and their attitude to waste, helped community better understand the need for change, and the community were influential in decision making.

We successfully delivered another project in the emerging kerbside reform space that will be a contentious matter for Councils over the next year.