Capire led a deliberative engagement process to co-design an Urban Design Framework for the Pakington Street North Precinct in Geelong.


Pakington Street North Precinct Urban Design Framework


Capire supported the City of Greater Geelong to plan and deliver a deliberative engagement process to co-design an Urban Design Framework (UDF) for the Pakington Street North Precinct. The UDF will guide future enhancements and development to revitalise the precinct and accommodate demand for new homes, shops, services and jobs. 

Capire recruited a representative panel that reflected the diversity of the Geelong West community. Over three months and six in-person sessions, Capire led the co-design of the UDF with the community panel and Council’s Urban Design team. 

These sessions included expert presentations on Public Realm, Built Form, and Access and Movement. Panel members brainstormed recommendations for each theme, then indicated their level of comfort for each draft recommendation. They could ask questions and provide feedback during the presentations, through Q&A sessions with subject matter experts, and via interactive online tools. 

The UDF was successfully adopted by Council in May 2024. One Councillor described it as ‘the City’s most extensive community consultation to date’. The UDF sets the stage for sustainable development in the Pakington Street North Precinct, including more greenery and much-needed housing, while respecting the area’s history.


The deliberative engagement process has been the City’s most extensive community consultation to date. We’re thrilled to have been able to facilitate such an exhaustive engagement with the Pakington West community.

– Councillor Jim Mason