Capire supported Melton City Council to engage the Kurunjang community regarding the activation of Little Blind Creek Reserve.


Kurunjang Community Activation Phase 2


Melton City Council is working with the Kurunjang community to activate the Little Blind Creek Reserve. The Kurunjang Community Strengthening Project aims to support the ideas of local residents and inform activation of the area. It’s anticipated that the Project will develop a greater sense of belonging in Kurunjang, encourage more activity, and ultimately improve perceptions of safety.

Objectives and approach
On behalf of Council, Capire held an engagement planning meeting with members of the Kurunjang community to confirm the scope of the engagement and identify opportunities to gather broader community input to the Project.

As agreed in the engagement planning workshop, Capire designed and shared an online survey on the Kurunjang Community Project Facebook group to gather community feedback and ideas to activate the Little Blind Creek Reserve. Respondents were asked to share their current use patterns at the Reserve and their ideas for future activities, events, or programs they would like to see happen at the Reserve.

Capire held a reconvening meeting with members of the community after the survey closed to review and discuss survey results, develop possible scenarios for community activation, and discuss next steps for the Project as a group.

Council has taken ideas and recommendations gathered throughout the engagement to plan the activation event in collaboration with community groups.

  • Client
    City of Melton
  • Year Completed
  • Location
    Kurunjang, Victoria