Capire delivered three phases of engagement for the Benalla West Master Plan, which will provide more than 45 new homes and upgrades to public spaces in Benalla.


Big Housing Build Benalla West Master Plan


The Benalla West Master Plan is part of the Victorian Government’s Big Housing Build project. With an investment of approximately $30 million, the project will provide more than 45 new homes, along with upgrades and improvements to public spaces in the neighbourhood.

The new homes will be a mix of housing types, including social and affordable housing. Each home will have a private open space, which renters can adapt to suit their needs. The new homes will face onto public open spaces, which will be upgraded and made safer, including new play facilities for children.

Capire worked with Homes Victoria (formerly the Department of Housing and Human Services) to plan and deliver the engagement to design the draft Master Plan. This plan, prepared by Homes Victoria and its consultants, outlines the community’s vision for the Benalla West neighbourhood.

Capire started working on this project in 2019. We designed and delivere­d three phases of engagement over a four-year period. We were involved throughout the journey: from setting the team up for engagement during the early stages, to designing a comprehensive engagement strategy, and providing hands-on support to the initial delivery team.

The Covid-19 pandemic was a key challenge, causing significant delays and impacts. Capire continued to be the knowledge holder throughout– providing prior knowledge to incoming Homes Victoria teams and helping them re-connect with local community groups and members of the Consultative Committee.

Capire supported Homes Victoria on the end-to-end delivery of this project, despite interruptions. At the end of 2023, the final draft Master Plan was presented to residents. Approximately 30 people participated in the final engagement. Participants acknowledged the efforts of Homes Victoria in getting to this stage.

  • Client
    Homes Victoria
  • Year Completed
  • Location
    Benalla, Victoria